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Emergency care

In case of life-threatening situations: the ALARM NUMBER for ambulance, fire brigade or police: 112


Need urgent help? Then visit the Knokke campus.

Emergency Knokke: Kalvekeetdijk 260, 8300 Knokke-Heist -0032 50 535 112.

The route to the emergency department is signposted as soon as you enter the hospital grounds. Parking is available at the emergency department itself. Be careful not to block the road for other visitors, the MUG or ambulance. The entrance to the emergency department is marked ''Urgent''. Further along is the entrance to the GP waiting room (only during weekends and holidays between 8am and 8pm).
If the reception clerk is absent, you can ring the bell.

  • 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
  • MUG service present
  • You can come to the emergency department yourself
  • An ambulance can take you to the emergency department after an intervention (depending on the region & location)

This is what you bring best
An emergency room visit is usually unexpected. Your GP refers you for an urgent examination or you are faced with an injury or discomfort that you feel needs urgent treatment. So it often has to be quick, yet it is useful to preferably have the following documents in your pocket:

  • Identity card/passport
  • Possible referral letter from GP
  • Information about your insurance
  • List of your home medication

If you do not have these documents, it is useful to present another document on which your identity can be legitimised (e.g. driving licence).